Hire sales funnel copywriter
Sales Funnel Copywriters, who are they?
Copywriting is a term you will always hear in most businesses nowadays. Besides, almost everyone now wants to go into copywriting. Why? Because it is an aspect of marketing that can earn you more money.
Obviously, a copywriting job is being explored in society. This can be seen in online platforms where they are hired. Nevertheless, only a few copywriters really know the intricacies of their job description. In other words, not many of them are experts at what they do.
Here are some tasks of a copywriter:
1.) Website management
2.) Keyword research
3.) Writing a Sales Copy
4.) Writing Search Engine Optimized Content
5.) Email Marketing, amongst others.
Furthermore, apart from all these tasks, there is an important task a professional copywriter must be good at. It is called sales funnel copywriting.
Who then is a sales funnel copywriter?
A sales funnel copywriter is a copywriter that has the capacity to use writing to convert a reader to a purchasing customer. It is as simple as that. Briefly, here is what a sales funnel copywriter do:
1.) Attention: A sales funnel copywriter gets the attention of required people to a website. They produce writings that stimulate peoples’ awareness. This then drives traffic to their website.
2.) Engagement: It is not enough to get people to visit a website, a sales funnel copywriter must have created engaging content to awake peoples’ interest.
3.) Conviction: After securing the interest of readers, the sales funnel copywriter goes ahead to convince them to buy the product or services being talked about.
4.) Decision: It is at this point that individuals decide to purchase goods or services.

5 steps to hire sales funnel copywriter
With all being said, you will agree with me that your copywriter must have the technical know-how of sales funnel copywriting. Therefore, you need to know how to hire one. Below are short five strategies to hire sales to funnel copywriters. You might want to hire a freelancer or permanent copywriter. Either way, these steps should work:
1.) Write down the list of what your copywriter should be able to do. (Including sales funnel copywriting).
2.) When hiring request for previous work that shows such copywriter is good at what you want;
3.) Give a little project to determine this. Also to get to know if the copywriter can work well with your organization;
4.) Hire on probation to decipher if you will fully hire or not. By so doing, you are rationally and intelligently observing. Hence, guiding your decision making;
5.) Make your decision. Hire for major projects or dismiss as the case may be.
Hiring a sales funnel copywriter should not be as hard as you might think. But really, it could as well be quite a search. Hence, have a pre-specified objective and goal before you start your search. This should guide you in searching and finding a copywriter good at sales funnel copywriting.