Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I earn money with my skills?

Here are seven ideas to make extra money with your skills: start a blog, write an e-book, design an app, sell craft, market products and register for affiliate marketing.
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What are the ways of getting cash from Digital Marketing niche?

The following are ways of getting cash from digital marketing niche. Just pick the best one that suits your personality. SEO services, blogging, YouTube, content, digital product, network, and affiliate marketing.
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Can I afford digital marketing?

You have to admit: A digital business website costs good money. We, therefore, understand that small businesses or founders want to do everything themselves first. However, this is not only saved in the wrong place but often also the reason for too little sales and profit. From our experience, we know that 2 to 4 monthly sales per year are realizable for SMEs with our digital MKM approach.
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Welcome to Ascent - Please, take your time to explore and learn online skills.