Content Creation in Content Marketing.
Content Creation
Since the beginning of time, Marketers have always clashed for prospective customers’ attention. The rivalry between marketers for their customers’ interest is so severe that the consumers never see most of the contents created by companies.
The days of the salesperson been the custodian of all product information is over. These days you use conversations to keep your customers’ attention. So how do you use content to engage your customer in an online discussion?
The PICASSO Framework is an effective way to do that. PICASSO is an acronym for:
You must have a reliable plan.
It would help if you had a reliable infrastructure that can convert your prospects.
You must publish content daily.
A-Amplify with Syndication and Sharing.
It would be best if you used tactics to promote your content.
The way you execute the framework would determine the outcome.
It is essential in marketing strategy to know who your customers are and what they want. The biggest challenge a content marketer faces is creating content that your customers will love.
You would learn how to research the contents and the various contents you can create in this article.
Topics that get traffic.
Before you start writing content, your purpose is to get your audience’s attention. Your topic must be what your audience finds important.
Your audience is searching for solutions to their troubles when they conduct searches, whatever content you write must have the answer to their problems.
Best Keywords.
What is great about this is you don’t need an SEO expert to help utilize them effectively. The old way Google ranks content has become outdated, so you need to focus on what your audience will love, and everything will fall in place.
Even with this, Keywords are still important. It would help if you found keywords that will lure customers and tell you what they aim to achieve.
To find the right keywords, you need to concentrate on specific keywords that are most three to four-word phrases, sometimes longer. These Keywords are known as “Long-tail Keywords.” Searchers input these keywords into search engines to find something.
Viral Content
Everyone wants to create viral content and create viral content; you need to find what everyone likes before starting your content.
Content curation.
This might look complex, but it is pretty simple. The complicated part is producing a curated article that adds value. The secret to content curation is to deliver valuable content that interests your audience.
Your curated article must include an introduction, curated content, attribution, summary, image, and title.
Power of Headlines
Some people never get past headlines, so you need to create attractive headlines to invite them to read further. Your headlines are able to elicit emotions from the reader, show what the article is all about since most readers never get past it.
You can google online tools that help with constructing attractive headlines.
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