A lot of people might think choosing an online skill to learn is quite easy. But really, it can be so strenuous. Especially in this technology age where numerous skills are made available online. Therefore, it becomes necessary to quickly take a look at some guidelines for choosing an online skill. In this skill choosing article, we will look at what skills are, type of skills, and guiding factors in choosing an online skill. Therefore, without further ado, let’s quickly go through the aforementioned.
What are Skills

You might think this is quite unnecessary. But, it is necessary we know exactly what we are talking about. Skill could mean different things to different people. In as much as arranging is a skill, technical writing too is a skill. Hence, for the purpose of this article, a skill is something that individual have had adequate knowledge about, which then give them the capacity to carry out such skills excellently. That is, an individual learn online skills by gaining adequate knowledge of that skill in order to effectively carry it out. Now, the question is how do we know the kind of skills to learn? This will be discussed later. Keep reading.
Types of online skills

Different types of online skills exist. But, let us quickly look at their categories.
Functional based skills: Some skills are majorly functional. For instance, a Human Resource Manager learning an analyzing skill is simply functional. Why? Because this analyzing skill will enable him/her to function well on the job. Other functional based skills are: writing and organizing skills. Read more on here about 5 top creative skills.
Knowledge – based Skills: These are skills that require individuals to learn certain procedures in order for such individuals to have a technical know how about such skills. Examples are Plumbing skill, Coaching skill, Advising Skill, Digital Skills, Management Skill, etc. Here are some profitable skills you can learn.
Personal Skills: These are the categories of skills that individuals learn to improve one more area of their lives as a person. For instance, an individual whose job require patience, and is not patient might decide to learn the skill of patience. Other types of personal skills are: communication skill, good relational skill, etc.
Guideline for Choosing an Online Skill.

Having known what skills are and their different categories, how then do we go about choosing an online skill
Priority: What is your priority? Why do you want to learn a particular skill? Is it for business growth or better job performance? Do you just want to learn it as an avocation? The first thing to do before choosing an online skill is to state your priority.
Goal: If you just decide to choose a skill without specific goals, you might end up dropping it. Interest is very important in choosing an online skill. And, without specific goals, interest dwindles. Hence, get a goal before choosing an online skill to go for.
Finance plan: After noting the online skill you want to choose, do your homework and browse the different platforms that offer to teach the skill, then choose the platform that does not give you a financial strain.
Time: whatever you hold in high regard, you will always create time for. What am I trying to say? Check your schedule and see if you have adequate time for learning an online skill. It will be so bad to start learning an online skill and finish it two years later.
I hope this guideline for choosing an online skill has been so helpful. If you have any comment, feel free to drop a message. Thanks for reading.