Have you been searching for a way to earn income? Well creating a source of income depends on what you have to offer and the quality of that thing. To earn, you must either have a product you can sell or a service you have to offer. Selling product mostly requires a large capital but service on the other hand depends on skills. Now one of these skills is what we know as Freelance content marketing. Now let us go into detail on what is content marketing and how to become a freelance content marketer.
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Who Is Content Marketer
Firstly, before going into content marketing, you need to know what it entails. A Content marketer is a person who handles the job of creating valuable contents and plans them carefully. After planning, the marketer shares these contents for the purpose of attracting people and converting them to paying customers. The process of doing this is what we term as content marketing.
Skills You Need as A Content Marketer
For you to become a content marketer, there are two major skills you need to possess which are:
- Content writing skills
- Marketing skills
Content Writing Skills
To become a successful content marketer, you need to have good writing skills and enticing one at that. If you are someone who detests writing then I’m sorry but you can’t make headway in content marketing. The sole aim of content writing is for conversion so you need to have a passion for writing compelling content.
Marketing Skills

There are a lot of writers but the ones who make the most are writers with good marketing skills. Good marketing of your compelling content is the difference between an ordinary writer and a content marketer. Your marketing skills do the job of attracting your prospective customers and making them want to pay you.
Some other skill that can help your content marketing journey are?
- WordPress experience
- Search Engine Optimization skills
- Proofreading
- Blogging
- Grammar
- Link building
- Editing
Steps to Become A Freelance Content Marketer
Get Yourself Trained
To be successful in any field, you need to get the appropriate training and content marketing is no different. The good thing is that you don’t need a writing or marketing degree to become a professional content marketer. What your clients look for are the results you can produce making your portfolio and experience very important.
Create A Work Schedule
Unlike getting a job as an employee, working as a freelancer means you get to create your own schedule. You work remotely without having to report to any office or boss allowing you to work at your own pace. You can decide when to work and who to work for, all you just have to do is meet your deadlines.
Find Content Marketing Jobs
Since you don’t answer to any boss who just dumps any job on you, finding jobs depends on you. Here you need to know how to present yourself, source for jobs and withdraw your earnings. Now how do you find jobs?
- Select a niche
- Create and optimize an account with a freelance platform. Here is an example of a freelance Upwork and Fiverr profile
- Open an account with a platform like Payoneer to withdraw your earnings.
- Build a website and sell your services from it
- Create a brand that makes it easier to be discovered and get jobs
Content marketing is a skill that can bring you not just a good amount of income but also connections. You get access to more opportunities and still be able to meet up with your bills. So why hesitate, learn this skill today and start your journey on how to become a freelance content marketer.
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Content marketing is really a good prospect