In our blog, we have recently indicated that the importance of Android in the mobile world is increasing. You should read this article on how to make an app for beginners even if you’ve started learning. Therefore, we would like to offer everyone who wants to try their hand at being an app programmer, or a web developer who would like to create an Android app in the future, to start developing applications for Google’s OS.
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In fact, it is relatively easy to learn how to create an Android app because countless tutorials and instructions can be found on the Internet for free or at least cheaply. But being able to get an app working for Android and being an expert on that operating system are two completely different things. Therefore, we would like to show you which are the first steps on the way to becoming a successful Android developer while learning online skills.
How Do You Learn to Develop for Android?
There are the mentioned various cheap or even free channels on the Internet, with the help of which those interested can get valuable information and tips. Online tutorials in writing and as video via platforms such as YouTube are particularly important. In addition, there are other ways in which beginners can begin to work their way into the development of Android apps.
Programming tutorials: This option is not only available for Android. Both beginners and more experienced developers can find important tips and instructions in video or PDF files. There are many tutorials on Google Play.
how to make an app for beginners
Learn Java: There is a good English-language application in the Play Store called Learn Java, which you can use to learn the Java programming language on your own. You learn how Java works in a game. Although this is mainly about programming with Java, you can also learn a lot about the other programming languages.
AIDE- IDE for Android Java C ++: AIDE- IDE for Android Java C ++ is an app for programming an app! Here you are offered a simple programming environment in which you can immediately start writing codes. It simplifies programming by providing the user with a switch interface that contains most of the important functions.
Tools for Android App Creation
One of the most important and widely used tools for Android app creation is for sure Android Studio. Let’s see how the installation works and what the steps are to program your first app. First, we have to download the Android Studio package, which we can find on the Google developers’ website. This package contains everything we need to program our first app and get paid:
- Eclipse and the ADT plug-in
- the Android SDK (Software Development Kit)
- the latest Android platform
- Tools of the Android platform
- the latest versions of the emulators
We have to install the package on our computer and can immediately start programming the first app. Familiarize yourself with the environment and inform yourself if you get stuck. Learning by doing is the keyword!
Why Are You Reading How to Make an App for Beginners?
Loyal readers of our articles will probably be able to find the answer to this question in their sleep: No OS in the world comes close to the range of Android, although we should never forget iOS. But today the argument that you can reach a lot of users with the Android app, but not earn any money, no longer counts. If you plan wisely, you can earn money with applications, including Android games.
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As of today, there are more than 3,300,000 applications in the Google Play Store, whereby we actually have to add the apps for Android that never made it to publication. A few days ago we discussed data according to which 42% of all developers have published between one and three apps on Google Play and there are still some who offer more than three applications. Over 2,000 Android experts are registered on our platform alone, although many of them do not specialize exclusively in Android.
If you need more arguments for Android … please! It was only about half a year ago that Google released the latest version of the Android OS. Marshmallow is spreading rapidly and Lollipop continues to grow in parallel with the most widespread version of an operating system for mobile devices.
More data about Android on how to make an app for beginners:
- Together with iOS, Android dominates the entire mobile world market with 99%.
- The native language for apps with the Google OS is called Java.
More and more diverse devices are running with the Android operating system, with an enormous range of screen sizes being covered: smartphones, tablets, wearables (such as smartwatches), and smart TVs. In addition to Java, the XML language is also used for design through parsing. If you want to create an Android app, you need the SDK from Android, which contains libraries and tools.
If you don’t want to work with Java, there are a few alternatives available when creating Android apps. You should watch the embedded video till the end. Especially as a beginner, it is worth taking a look at alternative tools to get to know all the possibilities.
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