Freelancers work for different companies at different times or at the same time. You can do the same work for different companies or different types of work depending on what the companies you are working for need. That’s what’s great about freelancing.
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For example, if you are a skilled artist or designer. You could work on a branding project for a firm as a designer. You can help design their logo, website, and other marketing materials. During the same time, you can work on personal projects like a comic book for a famous comic publishing company or work on merchandise layout for a famous jewelry company.
Important to your work as a freelancer is that most of the work is under contract, you are either paid hourly, per piece, or project and your contract have a deadline. As you are under contract, you are also self-employed. You can be a freelancer and an employee at the same time.
Diversified Workers.
If you work part-time or as a full-time employee and you also engage in freelancing. You are known as a diversified worker. Most freelancers are diversified workers, they have multiple sources of income.
For example, if you work part-time at a startup firm, drive an Uber and freelance coding, you are a diversified worker.
Diversified workers earn in different industries and can come from different economic levels of life.
Reasons why people join freelancing.
There are different reasons why people indulge in freelancing and look to diversified their source of income. Stagnant wages in normal jobs is a big reason, people can’t get by stagnant paychecks so they try to get by on the side like Uber and Upwork.
Recently, according to surveys and reports, freelancers join the business by choice not because it is necessary.
Some people become freelancers is because they love the job or they want to transit into another type of job.
Where to Find Work.
You can find work anytime and everywhere especially when you need to expect it. The internet makes it very easy to link up with prospective clients and companies. You can find contacts on LinkedIn, normal job websites like Indeed, or gig-economy sites like Upwork. You can study and find the companies that fit you and the ones you will like to work with and contact them for jobs.
Tips you should know if you are starting freelancing.
- Be kind to your clients.
- Always remember the bigger picture.
- Be open-minded, your job will get criticized.
- Be Unique.
- .Voice your opinions clearly, communication is key.
And the most important tip of all, don’t miss a deadline.
Freelancing is not for the weak, you must be available to choose the hours you work for but you will take on a lot of responsibility and work for long hours. In the beginning, you might get jobs you don’t like but take them and learn from them. You can take the knowledge to your next job. Try and maintain a regular schedule to maintain your work-life balance.
It’s a long journey, always find a way to reinvent yourself.
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