Some people write to express their minds in journals. Some write articles in magazines, yearly journals, academic writings. Others might engage in e-book writings, technical writings, novel writings, freelance writing, etc. whichever type of writing, a writer engages in, editing skill of writing is essential.
A lot of writers might not want to stress themselves about the editing aspect of writing. This is because there are professionals designated for such tasks. These professionals are called Editors. Notwithstanding, writers can edit their work by themselves as they write. Therefore, quickly go through this article on how to learn online editing skill of writing easily, without stress.

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Editing Skill of Writing Process:
Writing is a process. All writers should know that. This process starts from the pre-writing research, content development, revising of the manuscript, editing of the script, to publishing of script. Click to learn more about pre-writing research, content development, and the revision stage of writing.
After ascertaining that editing is part of the writing process, what then does the editing process of writing entails?
The editing process of writing simply has to do with arranging and putting some finishing touches to your manuscript in order for it to be presentable to the public.
Please note, the kind of editing process an academic journal would be subjected to, would be different from that of e-book writing. Nevertheless, let us take a look at how we can learn online editing skills of writing easily.
How to learn online editing skill of writing Easily
1.) The first place I would mention is YouTube. It has been found out that people are inclined to learn more from videos than from words. Hence, YouTube videos on editing process of writing would be of help on how to edit your work without stress. Here is an example:
2.) Furthermore, you can learn online editing skill through online writing sites. This writing site gives you a step-by-step process of self-editing your work. Four out of these processes are:
a.) Get your work on paper
b.) Start editing by voice reading. (read as if you are not the owner of the piece)
c.) Understand the required writing style and edit line by line
d.) As you are reading aloud to yourself, ensure it is clear and unambiguous. If it is, edit and read again.
You can read more on how to edit your script on this website;
3.) Lastly, you can learn online editing skills of writing through online software like Hemingway editor, Smart editor, plagiarism, grammar & spelling), etc. This software analyzes your work and shows you places where your script needs editing. As a result, you know the exact place where your work needs editing, and you learn as you make the necessary correction.
In situations where using an editor is not an option, you can self-edit. I hope this article has been able to guide you on how you can learn online editing skill in writing easily. You can leave your comment in the comment session below. Thank you.