We all know, to make that extra cash in this 21st century, we have to skill up. As a result, quite a lot of people just choose a new skill randomly without proper guidelines. If you are thinking of learning new skills effectively, it is imperative you have a guideline in choosing the new skill. You can read more about the guidelines to follow, before choosing your skill from my previous blog post. That being said, stay with me as we intricately look at how to effectively learn new skills.
Learning New Skills

Has anyone ever told you that you are bad in learning fast and well? Here is your chance to prove them wrong. Have you being having troubles learning new skills? Here is an opportunity for you to make some adjustment. And, remember, there is a difference between learning new skills and effectively learning new skills. Keep reading to understand more.
What to take note in learning new skills
Why do you want to learn new skills? A friend said, the reason we human are termed higher animals is because we have a reasoning ability. Hence, there must be a reason, an objective that is propelling you towards learning new skill. You do not just wake up one day and just decide to learn a skill. There must be a reason. If you do not have a reason, look inwards and find the reason. This is the first step towards learning new skills. Here are a list of profitable skills to learn.
How do you want to go about learning the new skill? Do you have a short term plan to achieve your long term learning plans? That is, without plans, we fail to achieve our objectives. It is as simple as that. Therefore, after getting your learning objective, draft your learning plan. Most times, you do this with the person or platform you wish to learn your skill from.
What will it cost you to learn your new skill? Similarly, always put in mind that learning will sure cost you something. If it is not your time, it will be your money, a times, even sleep. Therefore, you need to ask yourself if you are ready to give it what it takes in learning new skills. Read more here about strategies to apply in learning new skill.
What to take note in effectively Learning New Skills

As mentioned earlier, there is a huge difference in learning new skills and effectively learning new skills. Below are few things to note in effectively learning a skill:
Get a book & a pen: This might sound old-fashioned, but it sure engages your body in the learning process. Quit thinking and planning in your head or on your mobile. Involve the use of a pen and paper and see yourself achieve more.
Summary: In addition, at the end of each learning task, inculcate the act of summarizing all you have learned. This enable you to proof if you have really learned something or not.
Put your knowledge into work: Furthermore, in effectively learning new skills, do not stop at knowing and summarizing what you have learned. Why? Because you forget what you do not practice. Hence, apply your new knowledge every now and then to keep remembering. Read about 5 ways to learn new skills effectively
I hope you have deeply enjoyed this blog post. Here is a quick word of advise, “Do not wait on others to believe you before you start to believe in yourself. Be your number one motivator and keep telling yourself you can learn that new skill and that you can achieve your goal. Please feel free to drop your comment below. Thanks for reading.