As a blogger, you might have issues with transforming your ideas into content. Here are tips you should know if you are a beginner or an expert, you need a little help remembering the basics of blog posts creation.
- Understand the way your blog works, this way you can make sure your blog posts look as nice as they can be. Learn how the HTML Editor works and if the technical words confuse you, you can seek help from an expert.
- Create categories and make sure you are not off-topic. Make sure your blog posts fits into the categories you have created. When establishing these categories, make sure they fit into the goals of your business and are sensible.
- Search engines uses 160 characters maximum as your post description on their search result pages. This is known as “meta description”. Create one or the search engines uses the first 160 characters on your post instead and this might not convey the right information as to why they should read your post and what they will learn from it.
- Most bloggers use an editorial calendar to organise and schedule blog posts. Some bloggers use a calendar to track bigger details, this help with a consistent production of blog posts.
- Build a professional design for your website, no one will return to a website with a bad design no matter how good your content is, a bad website design turn off your readers.
- Make sure your name, title and your contact is included in your posts so your readers can be aware of your role in your company and how they can contact you.
- Research the common questions people ask on search engines and answer them in your blog posts, this way you can build an audience.
- Most bloggers write on the same topics, you can make your own post unique by reading other similar blog posts before you write yours and check what the other bloggers didn’t do right in their blog posts and include that in your posts.
- If you give people what they want then they will keep coming back. Focus on your blog and on the needs and interests of your readers.
- Quality over quantity. Make sure your blog maximum length does not restrain you from writing quality contents. If your blog restrict you to a short post, you can always link them to other related ones.
- Your audience would like to know a little about the person behind the blog posts. You can add little about yourself to your blog posts, this doesn’t mean you should make your blog your personal journal.
This article was not meant to turn you into an expert in a day. It contains tips that can help you in running your blog and if you follow these tips, creating your blog posts would be a little easier. There are always new things to learn on how to run your blog.
You can also check our other articles on learn all about digital skills.
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