We learned about the Scrivener app and how it can be installed on different available platforms. Today we will discuss the procedures to take when using Scrivener for writing other genres of novels. You will learn the basics of getting started with Scrivener and how to navigate your way through the application. The pros and cons of using Scrivener for writing your novels are details you should expect from this article. So let us dive in and get some enlightenment on using the app to create awesome books for your readers.

Why Use Scrivener for Writing Your Novels?
Scrivener is very similar to other text editors you might have used, but it is also very different in comparison. Unlike other text editors like Google Docs and Microsoft Word, Scrivener has been made for writing novels since it’s chapter-based. It would give you more flexibility as a novel writer, making Scrivener the best option.
Using Scrivener for Writing All Your Novels
Create A Project
When using Scrivener for writing, the first thing you start with is to open a new project. Scrivener gives you different categories to choose from depending on the genre you want to express in your novel. The other options possess Settings that match the category you decide to write on for a better experience.
Maximize The Interface
Scrivener has built-in features that help you organize your chapters and other content depending on your select categories. The major features that you can use on Scrivener are the format section, toolbar, binder, inspector, and editing sections. These
Label Each Section
Novels have orders they follow which is why organizing them helps put them in the right order. One way to do this is using labels on Scrivener to help manage each piece according to chapters. It gives you the freedom to rearrange your written content even after a previous arrangement. You get to know the contents of each chapter from the labels even after leaving it for a while.
Scrivening Mode
Scrivening mode also helps you organize your content but in a different way than attaching labels. The scrivening mode lets you view all your novel chapters together in a folder to help link the scenes. You get to check out the different scenes you have written in a particular chapter giving you ideas.
Pros And Cons Of Using Scrivener For Writing Novels
- Scrivener helps keep your novels organized, helping you arrange them according to chapters.
- Good novels are pieces that link each scene well, and this app helps you do that with its scrivening mode.
- it also helps provide basic settings depending on the type of novel you want to write
- You get a 30 day trial period to get familiar with the app and consider getting it.
- It requires a payment of $45 to continue using it after the trial period ends
- The free trials are only available in windows and not for Mac versions.
- Scrivener app is only available on IOS devices and not Android
Your productivity as a novel writer might not be hindered but will speed up when you use Scrivener for writing. It is made for you as a novel writer and not just for productivity-boosting but also a better novel. Enjoy the trial version, get accustomed to the Scrivener app, and maybe create the next bestseller.