Everyone wants to learn skills, and one is the SEO skill that is a vital part of the digital age. You have a reason to learn the SEO skill, but it’s also good if you stumbled on it. It’s one skill that supports digital advancements and will continue to do so far into the future. However, you can’t work with it, especially as a freelancer, if you don’t know the basics. You need to understand the entirety of SEO practices and pick your niche to help you perform efficiently like professionals. SEO is a skill that can change your life with proper mastery so let us expose the essential details.
What Is SEO?
SEO means search engine optimization, and its entirety is to improve your visibility to the public. It might feel similar to social media management based on purpose, but it’s different in more ways than one. SEO helps improve your visibility broadly but is restricted to search engines alone, unlike social media management. Its purpose is to rank your website at the top of search engines, enabling people to find you by organic searches. Organic searches are a search class where you don’t pay for ads before people discover you on search engines. It would be best if you didn’t look down on the search engine optimization skill since it’s the broader way of creating visibility. Search engines link to social media and websites, helping you get noticed if you do your SEO correctly.
Why Do You Need a Guide for SEO Practices?
All people know about SEO practices is its service to improve your visibility via search engines by ranking your websites. However, you need to know more than that as someone who aims to master the skill and earn from it. You can’t restrict yourself to knowing scrambled details on SEO since you would be serving clients with your craft. Learning all about SEO will not just give you the skill to monetize but also a clear career path. An SEO help guide like this helps you kick off your journey to search engine optimization mastery with different steps. You get to understand what SEO is proper from the beginning to the best learning process that you can implement. So be sure to follow this article closely and don’t miss the succeeding guides that follow this current one.
The Working Process Of SEO Practices

Everyone only has eyes for the results that SEO practices offer, but they don’t know what happens behind it. Different requirements make a website rank on search engines, and they all have to be adequately met. SEO also spreads over various aspects, and each one has its procedure and requirements to satisfy before being ranked. A client’s website will not be ranked if these requirements are not met, which means a failure to improve visibility.
However, it would rank if these requirements are met, and it only occurs when the procedures are followed strictly. Search engines contain pre-developed bots responsible for accessing every website and organizing them based on the requirements met. The requirements are based on the relevance of information, keywords, and other details that give solutions to visitors. There are three steps to the operations that search engines use which are:
Internet Crawling
Here is the first step to ranking on search engines, and the bots do this first process. You can also call it the discovery process since it is the stage to discover your website from the internet. The chatbots crawl around the web and search for different websites with helpful information related to the search. They go over every website, including those they have visited during past searches, for updates on their content. These bots don’t only check out homepages but also inbound and outbound links that exist on those pages.
Result Indexing
Once you gather information, the next thing is to compile them, which is what the indexing process achieves. It scans all the search results and separates them into valuable and useless categories compared to the search engine input. The chatbots don’t index at random since they have a specific requirement that they use for the classification of results. All indexed results are helpful and put in a space for retrieval, while the useless results are discarded right after. The indexing follows some rules to give the visitors the best results, and these rules are:
- Crawling completion
- Unique and quality content
- Zero plagiarism
- Presence of internal and external links
Most pages don’t get ranked on search engines because they didn’t pass the indexing stage, and some reasons are :
- The page could not be crawled
- No links on the page
- The page contains plagiarized content
- Low-quality content on the page
Result Ranking
After indexing, the next step for search engines is to rank the results that have passed the previous processes. No results are discarded here, but the results fight a different type of race during this process. The battles are not to be discarded, as mentioned, but to reach the first page of every search engine. Search engines bring up millions of results in nanoseconds, and they require over 250 signals to rank all results. They organize the results based on the three significant strongholds of SEO which we will discuss in another post. Some of the other requirements which they use to rank these results are
- Web page loading timeframe
- Presence of keywords in the title tags
- The reputation of the website
Ranking websites on search engines aren’t a procedure done at random but follows a strict pattern. Understanding this pattern helps you know what to expect and use the different SEO practices to your advantage. You have just completed the first step to your mastery of SEO practices: having basic knowledge of SEO. The next thing is to know the different pillars and forms surrounding SEO to help you pick a category. Watch out for the next part of our SEO practices and get accustomed to the entirety of Search engine optimization.
Since SEO also targets users who are actively searching for products and services like yours, the traffic resulting from SEO is more qualified than many other marketing strategies, resulting in cost savings for companies.