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Money is everywhere but difficult to get without working for it. But by learning and practicing different online skills, you could earn money even as you do what you love doing. Social media is one great example of an online tool that can serve as a source of income.

Social media is a computer-based technology and is a series of applications and websites which allow users to create and share content through social networking. We are all fans and users of social media, where some of us are addicted to it. We spend hours scrolling through internet feeds and news to see and follow trends on social media every day. This simple act can be turned into a money-earning opportunity just by following the necessary steps.

The social media includes different forms of media platforms such as:
Video based media: YouTube, TikTok, Vimeo, Twitter etc
Social networking: Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn
Photo sharing media:
Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat
All these platforms can be found in one or more categories. for example, Instagram can also be found in all three media platforms.

To earn money online, you need followers. Not necessarily a hundred thousand or a million but enough, maybe a thousand or ten thousand. What matters is how you publicise/post your updates or what you sell. You’ve seen pictures of regular and popular social media personalities, they are called social media influencers and some of them own “WhatsApp TVs”. Many of these influencers have earned lot from advertising products for individuals and companies.


Below are factors to consider when planning to earn money online;


As described above, there are various social platforms and as an online influencer, you should pick one which works best for you. It is acceptable and normal for you to want to use more than one platform but you have to pick the one you will prioritize. Before picking a platform, you should research which of the platforms provides more views and has more tools for publicity. Statistics show that most influencers work on Instagram and are successful. So it is advisable for upcoming influencers to use Instagram for a better experience.


An ordinary social media user will tell you that having people who view, like, and comment on your posts helps boost your social media confidence. In the social world, followers are important. Yes, you do not need a million followers to make money online but you need enough. Not just people who view and walk past but are also interested in your posts. You earn more money as far as your followers remain engaged. This is because brands prefer to pay for a more engaged audience no matter how small they are.


Making a profile, earning followers, being recognized, and hence earning money online requires time, dedication, and patience. So what you advertise or publicise should be what you love, like, or have an interest in. Contact companies, brands, and other influencers. Do not forget to always respond to your followers (DMs).


As a media influencer, you should adopt the use of hashtags. These hashtags should contain trending and attractive phrases. They should be relevant and not more than seven.


From the seven days in a week, you should choose a day to give things out to people. It could be airtime or free stuff from the brands and companies you work for. This is so you keep them glued to your page or ” WhatsApp TV”.

Conclusion: Even as you go about your online business do not forget to state your relationship with the brand. For example, at the end of your post, you can tag it as a paid or sponsored advert. Take and post high-quality photos on your page. Also, your bio should contain what you do and promote your services.

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