Helping your company grow means doing many essential tasks yourself, including advertising to be a Marketing department example. When you start a new business, you typically do not have the funds to pay for all the necessary supplies and staff. The good news is that you do not need to be an expert marketer to support your endeavors and get the word out about your business. Use this guide from ASCENT Learn Online Skills to help develop your own marketing plan.
Choose Marketing Channels
There are many ways to grow your company. It is best to analyze your target audience first. Then select a few channels so you can focus your efforts. By thoroughly understanding your ideal customer, you gain perspective about the best ways to advertise to them.
Try offline options, such as:
- Posting flyers in coffee shops or on community bulletin boards
- Handing out business cards at networking opportunities
- Sponsoring or hosting local events
Of course, you must also decide which online channels work best for your business. Consider the following:

Build a Website
In today’s digital world, your business needs a website to compete in your industry. According to research, 99% of consumers say a business’s website is an important factor in their experience. A professional website improves your chances of gaining new leads by making your company visible and accessible online.
Invest in working with a designer to ensure your site looks good and functions well for e-commerce, customer support, and information. You will increase loyalty and attract new clients when your site stands out among the competition and provides the components your customers desire.
Increase brand awareness by creating a banner on your website. You want to grab people’s attention immediately when they land on your pages. You can hire a graphic designer or save money by using an online banner generator. Customize your design with your company’s colors, fonts, images, animations, or videos. Once you have an eye-catching layout, you can use it for other sites, like Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
Connect Through Email
With the proper tools, you can introduce your brand, products, and services to interested patrons, offer discounts and specials to current clients, and keep people informed about your business. Create an email marketing campaign to maintain contact with new leads and existing customers. The ability to communicate quickly with consumers can give you an advantage over competitors in your market.
Depending on your email marketing client, you may receive PDF reports on your campaign’s progress. These are no doubt useful but extracting information from these reports can be difficult. To make it easier, try a free PDF editor to convert your PDFs into editable document. Once converted, you can quickly add to and adjust the report to share relevant information with your team.
Meet on Social Media
Most people use at least one social platform regularly. This marketing channel offers a way to get to know your customers. When you meet your clients where they already spend time, you have a better chance of introducing them to your brand more organically. Social media also allows you to interact with your customers meaningfully.
Craft Your Message as a Marketing Department Example
Your marketing message should tell people how your brand, services, and products provide value for consumers and clients. It highlights how you offer solutions to people’s pain points and represents your business’s goals and ideals. Make sure your message aligns with your customer niche and adjust it as necessary to fit each channel.
Analyze the Details
After you have your marketing strategy in place, it is vital to continually assess your efforts to determine the effectiveness of your campaigns. Use built-in metrics and other methods to evaluate your advertising each step of the way. Start with the objective of each ad campaign and review the results to see how well you achieved that goal. It is easier to identify what works well when your campaign has a defined purpose, such as brand awareness, new leads, or increased sales.
You can be your own marketing department by conducting audience research, accessing the right resources, and detailing your strategy. To learn more useful skills, visit ASCENT Learn Online Skills today!