Freelance jobs are available everywhere, on websites, applications, and social media. Random encounters and networking parties and seminars are other ways you can get freelance jobs. The key to getting these jobs is to always get ready for opportunities and meeting people professionally.
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Where to make connections in Freelance.
Sometimes what is confusing is finding out people to talk to, how to make an approach and what to get out of these meetings. Making connections is important so you can get the chance to sign on new clients and marketing your services.
You will need to expand your network of people you know from your friends and family to strangers. So that leads us to how to present yourself to people you don’t know.
Pitching Potential Client’s in Freelance.
Pitching is contacting people that you want to work for, sometimes it is called querying. There are different ways of pitching potential clients. The most common way is to email or phone call. A general tip in pitching is to remain professional and to cross-check your writing and make sure it is error-free.
You also have to be patient when expecting responses after pitching your clients. It would take sometime before they get back to you as they would read what you sent and consult their friends. Another important tip is to be confident and doesn’t be arrogant.
There are four types of pitch:
Cold Pitch.
Cold pitch is a type of pitching when you try to get a company to hire you as a freelancer when they don’t know who you are and they have never worked with you before. They don’t know if they need the type of services you offer.
Casual Pitch.
This type of pitch happens when you don’t know people at the company but the company is willing to work with contractors. Unlike the cold pitch, there is contact information on the company’s website on where to send your pitch.
If you find a company you want to work for, and they are open to working with you. Follow their preferred method of submission and make sure you mention the submission guidelines as a point of reference so your employers can know, you did your research.
Relational Pitch.
This is the type of pitch that you make to someone you don’t personally know. You don’t want to relationally pitch unless you are sure that you know the people you are pitching to. You have to ask for permission first.
Hot Pitch.
In a hot pitch, you are pitching to a company that puts out a request for submission. Competition is always fierce in a hot pitch you need to convince the company you are pitching to that you are the best person for the job.
After pitching, following up is an important part of the process. In freelancing, there is always rejection but you have to learn from it and move on.
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